Other Rope Applications Include: Primary Mooring Line, Non jacketed Pulling Line, Stringing Line Reef Line, Running Back Shield Hauler, Stage, Event, and Special Effects Rope, Rigging Synthetic Extension Pendant, Trapeze Rope, Trawl or Bridle Rope, Tug Mainline, Tug Messenger Line, Tug Pendant, Vehicle Winch Line, Winch Rope, Mining Winch Line, Offshore Winch Line, Safety Winch Line, Tug Winch Rope, Utility Working Rope, Mining, Working Line, Offshore Rope, Crane Control Line, Club Racing
Rope Characteristics Include: A size-for-size strength replacement for wire rope at only 1/7th the weight, Amsteel Blue Rope is abrasion resistant, Durable Easy to inspect, Easy to splice, Excellent abrasion resistance, Excellent flex-fatigue resistance, Excellent wear characteristics, extremely lightweight, extremely low stretch, Flex-fatigue resistant.
AmSteel-Blue has been verified by ABS according to MEG4, and is type approved by: ABS, BV, DNV, Lloyd's, and RMRS. AmSteel-Blue is available with the option of sustainable, bio-sourced fiber. Now, reducing your impact on the planet doesn't mean reducing quality or sacrificing strength.
PRODUCT CODE 872, FIBER DYNEEMA, SPECIFIC GRAVITY 0.98 Note 7/64" diameter rope is only 8 Strands. Rope Applications include: Lifting Sling Rope, Mining Lifting Sling Rope, Offshore Lifting Sling, Utility Other Fishing Rope, Camera Control Rope, Chipper Winch Line, Control Line, Davit Face and Wing Wire, First Ashore and Emergency Tow System, General Working Rope, Vessel Mooring Line, Gilson Wire Rope Replacement, Halyard, Crane and Truck Hoist Rope, Conveyor Belt Pulling Lines
Other Rope Features Include: Bends easily, Buoyant, Durable, Resilient to bending, Light, Minimal stretching, Strong for its weight, Coated with Samthane, Similar in elasticity to wire, Twists with ease, Sun-resistant, Simple to check as a substitute for wire rope.